Many years ago,
At hearing the truth of God’s word, I realized from Scripture that the only name that could remit sins was the name of Jesus Christ. Having biblical authority for accepting that truth correctly interpreted, I repented of my sins, I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ by immersion, and I receive the Holy Spirit of God as the Bible said I would.
After receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of that truth, I became hungry for more of God’s truth. Voraciously I studied his word night and day as time would allow, for I was a new college student and I wanted to prosecute and education to become a lawyer. However, the small assembly seemingly was antithetical to the studying to acquire a well-rounded education that I might become a lawyer. They began to teach against us the need for a well-rounded education, saying, “you will be just getting man’s wisdom and not the wisdom of God.” However, God had sent his prophet by me saying that such teaching is contrary to the truth of God’s word. Instead, God wants us to be well educated that we might be able to correctly interpret the word of God. That prophet showed me that the word of God is not simple at all, and that it must be pondered over, rigorously studied, prayerfully considered in order to understand the complexity of God’s voluminous and complex word.
I received that truth in the spirit and with the spirit of God, I educationally leaped over walls, bursts through barricades, and palace grades, taking my baccalaureate degree, Masters degree, and that doctorate in record time. For surely, God was with me even as he was with Elijah, out-running Chariots.
And having call me into the ministry as evangelists, he also gave me the gift of a teacher. And according to his word, that grift has made room for me and I have been brought into the company of important people. This is what God has done for me and his calling and equipping me as I made full proof of my ministry not only in my educational exploits, but God has given me the truth that I have been approved of God
Consequently, I have preached and taught the truth of God’s word, rightly/correctly/studiously that all men may know what God’s correctly says. For some many years (33 years) I have taught men how to think critically, precisely, and how to read long passages/books and synthesize their truths that men may understand; I’ve taught men complex and cryptic and hard to understand poetry, logic, cryptic expressions and very complex ideas. Needless to say God has well prepared me how to study long days and force my mind to function as God planned for it to function.
Consider this truth, the pastoral ministry has become the dominant ministry in modern church assemblies; and the evangelist ministry is not allowed unless that minister is of their cult class. Therefore, there cannot be any iron that sharpens iron; hence, there is no multitude of counselors to have the whole counsel of God, which comports with the words of Paul’s commandment is Ephesians Four. But we see the apostle John’s waring in Third John Eight and cult ministries around one man, much as King Ahab who hated of God’s true ministers as was Micaiah in the book of Kings
As an evangelists who preaches the truth of God’s word, I have not been readily accepted by those who claim to be Christians and believers of God’s truth. However, a study of God’s word, as we all have been commanded to do, shows us that God’s word and his true prophets have historically been hated, ridiculed, stoned, and put to death by men who call themselves God’s people, yet hating his word. This occurred in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament. They have hated God’s reproof when they have gone astray, etc. And knowing this particular truth, I have preached on the Internet, on the streets, and wherever the unfettered proof of God is allowed.
As has been prophesied to this minister, I will be hated by those who call themselves Disciples of Christ; however, no man will be able to refute the truth of God’s word that I preach. It is clear as Jesus said, except you hate your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, and even your own life, you cannot be his disciple. Are these not the end times we live in—the times of Zechariah’s prophecy today?
I say to you, prove the things that I and others preach. I know the truth I teach by God’s correct word cannot be refuted, although they will be hated by those of the orthodoxy who preach, not according to God’s word, but according to their own tradition and the righteousness. But I say as Martin Luther said many years ago, “here I stand, I can do none other… than preach the truth of God’s word!”
In these last days I have been prompted to cry aloud to God’s people, pleading with them to accept the correct truth of God’s word as God has given to me and to all who would be true believers in Christ. Therefore, I say unto you as Moses said to his father-in-law, come along with us and we will do thee good, but God has promised great things for us as we head to the promised land.